Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Tool: 11

1. What are your favorite tools you now have in your personal technology toolbox? Briefly describe a particular activity that you will plan for your students using at least one of these new tools.

Well, there are so many neat applications that I can use. I'm really excited about those that I can use for new vocabulary. I know students have different learning skills, and although I use all of them in the classroom, I think that visual learning skills are very, very important.

I think I will definitely use bookr and skype.

2. How have you transformed your thinking about the learning that will take place in your classroom? How has your vision for your classroom changed? Are you going to need to make any changes to your classroom to accommodate the 21st Century learner?

I really wish to have ideas on how I could apply group activities with 36 students and not having to spend more than one day on an activity. Every time I see new applications, I get very excited and wonder how I can use them in my classroom. However, at this time I feel that it is quite difficult to do so because there is a lack of time.

3. Were there any unexpected outcomes from this program that surprised you?

There really wasn't any unexpected outcomes, but there were many applications that were a good experience to learn about even though it wasn't in detail.

Tool: 7

Content objective: TSW will understand the importance of learning a second language, "Spanish". ;)
When you plan to implement: I think this would be a good activity/project at the beginning of the school year, so the students can get encouraged to learning Spanish.

What tool(s) you plan to use: Skype, (skyping with people from various professions)

A brief description of the project (plan - two or three sentences): The students would first decide on a profession they like. They would research on the importance speaking Spanish or a second language for that specific profession. They would present that to the class.Then, I would have them skype with several professionals, so they could have an actual idea of how important it is to be bilingual in any profession.

Tool: 2

I realized I had skipped tool 2...oops. :/

Going back to my tool 3. I posted a video on learning Spanish and the lack of courtesy when one corrects the pronunciation of other when Speaking a non-native language.This was a video that was posted on Sr. Kaufmann's blog. I thought it was quite interesting. I think I would really enjoy sharing ideas with others through blogging, but there's is not enough time...well, not now.

Tool: 10

1. Discuss at least three things you would want to make sure your students understand about being good digital citizens.
(1) No cyber-bullying
(2) No plagiarism
(3) No inappropriate school websites

2. Share at least one of the resources mentioned above or on the Ed Tech website that you plan to use instructionally.

I would probably use Brain Pop

3. Explain briefly how you would "teach" the idea of digital citizenship to your students.

I would address my main points and let them know what consequences it can bring to them and others.

4. Explain briefly how you plan to share the idea of digital citizenship with your parents.

I think the best way to contact the parents is by sending a letter home and having them sign it. This will let both the parents and myself know the regulations and understanding of the technology use.

Tool: 9

1. Why do you think it is important to tie the technology to the objective?

Tying the technology to the objective allows students to be more engaged. Nowadays, students are all about technology, and they are always eager to use it in the classroom.

2. Why should we hold students accountable for the stations/centers?

We need to hold students accountable for the stations/centers; after all, it will be their stations. They need to be responsible for the equipment and know the requirements of using the stations.

3. Visit 2 of the applicable links to interactive websites for your content/grade level. Which sites did you like. List two to three apps you found for the iPod Touch/iPad that you can use in your classroom.

(1)Living language- Spanish for iPad
(2)Educreations Interactive Whiteboard
It seems like there are less apps for foreign language than other subjects. However, there are some I would definitely like to use for new vocabulary

4. What do you see that station looking like?

Assuming there is space in the classroom, I would probably line up the stations along the wall. I would like to have enough space for at least two students in each station.

5. How can you hold the students accountable for their time in these stations?

I would probably have a daily participation grade for using the station. There would be a certain amount of work the student would be responsible for according to the their time in the station.

6. What about other ways to use the iPod Touch/iPad? Share another way you can see your students using the device as a station. I'm not sure yet!

Tool: 8

Well, the videos did not have too much new information for me, but it's good to have a refresher. Having a work station sounds like a great idea, but there is absolutely no free space in the classroom. The classrooms are from 30-35 students, and that makes it very difficult to have work stations, as well as working on projects that can save time and be successful. I may be wrong...

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Tool: 6!/rberrone

At the beginning of the semester I had the idea of skyping with "UMI", a Spanish speaking society from Texas Tech. I have not done so yet, but I think it is a good idea. I think skype is a good way to interact with professionals and other students about the Spanish language.

I have opened an account on twitter to follow "skype in the classroom". I'm unsure of using it to follow students or parents.